Security Services


CyberTrust’s command and control system enables integration and arrangement of personnel, software, equipment, communications, facilities, and logistics of the operational activities of U.S. military forces.

When a military is ordered to invade a country or defend against invasion, hundreds of millions of commands must be issued to coordinate the military and its supporting economic system. This system enables those millions of orders to be issued autonomously by software, directed by top-level leaders. These orders will propagate throughout the telecommunications network and manifest as recommendations delivered via applications.

Military commanders will assign priorities to intended outcomes and to proposed methods to achieve those outcomes. These priorities will propagate throughout the economic system so that the economic supply chain delivers people, weapons, and materiel needed to support the military mission.

This software treats military command and control as a special case of generalized socioeconomic management and as a special case of universal modeling of the world and human activities. This enables the system to satisfy nearly arbitrary warfighter requirements.
Military commanders and other leaders will interact with the system through simple tables and complex visualizations that periodically refresh with new information.

Subordinates will receive recommendations and orders via push notifications to their mobile devices for execution. Soldiers and NCOs will receive incoming orders and requests, prioritize them, and then send responses on. The system may also generate messages based on detected enemy movements to significantly accelerate response times.

CyberTrust’s system is designed to enable a fluidic dispersal/concentration pattern in which the population is sometimes dispersed away from targets, and sometimes coalesced in order to accomplish warfighting and economic objectives. In the event of a nuclear war, population centers will not only evacuated from major cities, but they will be evacuated such that they can attend to their own survival needs while also contributing to the highly complex integrated war effort.


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